Voice Coaching

Our aim is to help you free your natural voice, to help you speak with clarity and confidence.


We are all naturally good communicators. Listen to any baby; it uses its body and voice in the way it was designed to, efficiently and with great effect.


As we grow older we can lose that vocal and physical freedom and a lot of us become self-conscious and worry about how we speak and present ourselves.


Through our bespoke voice coaching sessions you can learn how you stand and use your body affects your breathing and how you speak and communicate.


We will work on your posture and show you practical exercises to release and strengthen the breathing muscles. How to make your voice more flexible, resonant, clear with appropriate pitch, pace, pause, tone, volume and energy- thus building your vocal confidence and increasing your personal impact.


You will learn how to apply your new skills through the use of texts and presentations.


Coaching available for one to one and small groups.


"Working with Kate has more than anything else given me a lot of understanding and awareness of my voice, plenty of strategies on how not to let my nerves have too much audible impact. The knowledge that even though I won't magically lose all nervousness, I can always be in control of how I sound, and this has given me enormous confidence.




To discuss your coaching needs further, please contact Kate Terris on 07973 871479. You can also email her at kateterris@voiceatwork.co.uk